Ignite Speaks is all about checking your vibe and sparking positively from within.
We're doing more than transforming the impact of wellness jewelry, we're enhancing who you already are.
Greatness exists within all of us. With our intentional jewelry and our purpose to promote overall wellness, your vibrational experience is a frequency you can't help but embrace. Check-In Men! What's your vibe?
What You Feel You Attract - Physical
- Be intentional about active refresh points daily
- Shave/Get a Haircut - Be mindful of your outer grooming, it supports feeling great about who you are
- Check your nutrition. What goes on the inside shows up on the outside
What You Think About Expands
- Mind your thoughts on things that bring joy
- Constant subtle positive reminders throughout the day (playlist, post its etc.)
- Imagine. Create. Inspire.
- What you imagine you create
- Identify your purpose
- Write down what speaks to you from within
- Visualize your desired outcome daily
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id=“article-body” class=“row” section=“article-body” data-component="trackCWV">
Just in time to force us all to streaming plans, Netflix announces that
its content streaming deal with Starz has fallen apart.
Eek. But at least they protected us from the tiered pricing
Starz wanted in addition to $300 million per year. AT&T prepares
its pro-merger death ray, Dominos announces plans for a pizza delivery joint on the moon (seriously), your responses to our decision to go weekly, and Pastor Luke mans up on Computer Love.
Now playing:
Watch this:
Ep. 1545: Netflix isn’t seeing Starz anymore
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Netflix loses a ton of content in 2012 as Starz ends renewal talks
AT&T prepares concessions to save T-Mobile deal
Sprint: AT&T/T-Mobile Merger Would Destroy Jobs,
Here’s A Study To Prove It
T-Mobile users rejoice at Justice Dept. blocking AT&T merger
Apple quietly puts Final Cut Studio back on sale
Brian Green BOL ID
Jeffrey Bennet was the time to make the donuts guy from yesterday.
Thanks Jeffrey!
BlackBerry PlayBook tablet gets $150 price cut
Samsung says “no” to Galaxy Tab 7.7 and Galaxy Note in U.S.
Oprah to Appear Live on Facebook, Invites Your Questions
Domino’s plans to open shop on the moon
Quick Hits
Suspects in iPhone prototype case plead not guilty
Apple Responds to The Most Phenomenal Fake Apple Store in China
Scotland Yard Arrests LulzSec Hacker ‘Kayla’
Facebook quietly launches Like button for Google Chrome
Stephens Video Pick of the Week
From The Geek Mom and Geek Daughter
Clayton Dorris says that the new BOL Weekly Show Better
Be Amazing!
Caller says -1 to BOL. We are the Ginger Bread to his Droid X
Mexican Dude talks about changes to BOL. He still loves us
I thought I’d write in and say I totally understand why BOL is
going weekly, what with August being such a slow month in tech news
and all. It must have been so hard coming up with stuff to talk about!
Naw, but seriously, I hope you guys find much success in your
new shows and other endeavors! I will miss listening to you at work every day though.
-Caleb Cornelius
Corvallis, OR
A little part of me died yesterday when I heard the news.
I’ve been a quiet listener to every single show since BV (before
Veronica.) I actually look forward to my commute home,
because your podcast keeps me sane while keeping me up to date on tech news and entertaining commentary.
While I want to stay on top of the day’s tech news, I don’t have time to read every news story that comes across the RSS.
Your podcast provided me with the most pertinent stories in the perfect amount of time.
Thanks for the years of entertainment and news. I’m looking forward to hearing what’s next.
Bob McClenahan
Napa Valley
Good luck guys with your new endeavors. I have been listing to
BOL since year one of the show. I have not missed an episode since Belmont
left the show. It is very depressing to hear a show you like go off the
air. If y’all had made it possible to pay for the show I would have.
Again good luck; of course we all will still listen to whatever content you guys make, but you
know it is not the same.
Love you guys
Andrew B. From Tallahassee, Fl.
Hey BOL crew!
Looking forward to the new changes, a weekly show
could be quite awesome, and everybody doing more shows is definitely
a great thing (I really miss Gadgettes, almost as much as Molly).
Keep making me laugh while keeping me informed! (it’s really not that hard)
-Patrick Casey
London, Canada
Dearest Buzz Crew,
Without question, I’m saddened that Buzz Out Loud will be transformed to
a weekly show.
It’s the small things I’ll miss. Feedback won’t loop, loop,
loop. Donald Bell won’t be there randomly to share
his neo-Amish advice for the coming techpocalypse. My Chicken and Gaga bunker
will go empty. When I hear some cool science news, I won’t be prepared for it.
But I’m very happy for you all. I know you’ll still be there – delivering the news and analysis we all
love. I just hope you don’t lose a bit of the ridiculousness that makes Buzz Out Loud so much fun. I
know the quality of the show will improve, and the time you would normally spend on BOL will let you make even more awesome
CNET programming. Molly, I’m even more excited
for your new show – whatever it will be – than you
I speak for all of Buzz Nation when I say that we are all a part of this
showmance, and I am grateful that it will all continue, unabated.
Keep up the great work.
Jon in Orlando
tpettyrox in the Chat
I am super excited to see all the new stuff coming up!
However I have to admit I am a little sad. Actually, VERY sad!
BOL is my favorite time of the day. I work from home and NEVER miss the
live stream. BOL is the ONLY show I watch! Seriously!
Have no clue what’s on TV. But I never miss my BOL.
Love that you guys have been a part of my every day. Now I will look forward to seeing you guys
once a week! Very happy for all the new and great
stuff you have coming up. Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you
guys put together daily. I plan to stick around no matter
what schedule changes you make!
Love you guys!,
-Ed Bondanza
Ventura, CA
From Jim in Vegas
What’s up buzzers, well school has just started and I’m getting out of summer mode by going out with
this girl whom I’ve had a texting and Facebook relationship
for the last 2 years. The thing is, is that she gos to a
different school than me and at my young and adventurous age of 16 I don’t know
if not being able to see her that much is something I
can handle. Not to mention the fact that with neither
one of us at the same school can we really trust each
Asking for your guys’ opinion, Jimmy.
Sent from my HTC
Hey Buzz Crew,
I thought moving back to New York City would have helped my chances of finding someone.
I mean, the odds of finding a fellow geek and gamer
has to be better than one in eight million, right? No luck so far though.
Perhaps I’ve just been in the wrong places… [see attached picture]
Love the show guys,
Have kidding,
Dear Buzzers:
I’ve had an online relationship with a girl the last few years.
Let’s call her Bol (odd name, I know). Initially, I heard from her occasionally, a
few times a week, but as time moved on it came to a point that I’d hear from here almost every day.
Although she changed over the years, and the length
of our contact seemed to be indeterminate I always knew I could
count on her to be informative, silly and ranty and give me
everything I need. Today, out of the blue she told me she wants to
back off on contact and I’d only hear from her once a week.
I have to say it hurts, it feels like she wasn’t taking this relationship
as seriously as I was. But there were signs, my first indication should’ve been that she didn’t want to spend
holidays with me. I’m not just talking Christmas and Thanksgiving, she needed
space on holidays like Labour Day, Columbus Day and Arbor Day.
I’m so depressed, Perhaps I’ll sit in my corner with some TNT and hope I don’t blow
Seriously, good luck with your new format.
I know it will be great!
Sean from NYC
Lukes Video Voice Mail to Molly asking her out on a Pete’s coffee
Follow us on Twitter: @mollywood @brian_tong @stephenbeacham
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